Recently, working at home has become a very attractive idea, and many people have already been successfully implementing it in practice. This is not surprising since advantages are obvious - your schedule, no obligations on the part of the dress code, etc. However, the effectiveness of such work is largely determined by the proper organization of the workplace at home.
In order to properly organize your desk at home, you should take into account some things. If possible, nothing should distract from the workflow, so – put aside TV or crib, and household chores, at work, have to go into the background and does not interfere of concentration.
From the above we can announce the number one rule - the workplace should be as isolated. The ideal solution - a separate room in which members of the household may enter only in cases of extreme necessity. If a separate room for the resettlement office not, should be separated workspace screen. To organize such a makeshift office enough 6 square meters.
The second rule - the workplace should be ergonomically and safely from a medical standpoint, it is particularly important if the work involves the use of a PC.
Table to work should be not less than the depth of 60-80 cm and width - at least 120-160 cm Well, if the table will be able to adjust the height between 68-80 cm, if it does not, then it is recommended to use a desk with height 72 cm .
Many models of computer desks are equipped with special sliding shelf for keyboard, but for extended use on the PC, this is not an option. Hands will be less tired when they are on the table and bent at the elbow at a right angle.
With no less attention, is to the choice of a chair or computer chair. Its height should be adjusted so as to be comfortable with his legs, and they do not numb, and the adjustable backrest angle to provide a direct bearing. Provided, - welcome to it decreases the likelihood of slouching while working. Upholstery of chairs or stools should choose airtight.
Doctors recommend to mount the monitor vertically, at a distance of 60-70 cm from the eye. For a more comfortable work, you can adjust the angle of its screen. Eye level at the same time should be closer to the center or a little lower.
These basic rules and guidelines for your work area at home, not only contribute to the well-being and reduce fatigue, but also have a positive effect on the outcome.
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